Inspiring Living with Mark Candelaria

Mastering your Fear with Master of the Southwest Isabel Dellinger Candelaria

March 09, 2020 Mark Candelaria Season 1 Episode 31

Fear grips all of us in some form and if we haven't developed skills to help us cope with our fears, they will hold us back from our full potential. Today’s podcast features Interior Designer and my wife, Isabel Dellinger Candelaria, who was just awarded Master of the Southwest by Phoenix Home and Garden Magazine. She will share what it was like to get the news that she was being given this award, but then the fact she would have to give an acceptance speech and face her phobia of public speaking.

Again, we all experience fear to some degree including now as we collectively fear the effects of the coronavirus, the markets, the economy, frankly there is always something to fear but how we deal with it makes the difference in how we enjoy our lives.

Listen to how Isabel faced her fear of speaking and gave her speech and accepted her award in front of a packed house. We hope this inspires you to go after your fears and push through to the other side and all the amazing things waiting there to take your life to the next level.

For photos and more on this episode and our other podcast episodes, visit Candelaria Design Associate's Podcast page: